Personalized Toys & Gifts 50% SALE
Personalized Toys & Gifts 50% SALE

ChildUniverse Story

montessori bedroom for girls by ChildUniverse

We Believe in Every Child’s Endless Potential

montessori bedroom for baby by ChildUniverse

We Believe in Fewer Toys at a Time

 montessori kitchen furniture by ChildUniverse

We Believe in Safe Play for Every Child

A Brief History of ChildUniverse

They say every brand is nothing more than just a group of people. Luckily, the people our company roofs are extraordinary, talented, dedicated to their work, and kind to others. Bingo!

If you wonder who we are behind the scenes, let us introduce…


Ruslana Yakovenko

Ruslana Yakovenko

– a brand manager. Enjoying her parenting journey, she ensures ChildUniverse is represented authentically, consistently, and globally. “My daughterAriia is my muse, so eager to be the first to test our every other new product. Virtually no photoshoot goes without her.”

Maryna Fostenko

Maryna Fostenko

– a mother of 4 beautiful daughters, entrepreneur, and the creative mind behind ChildUniverse. Maryna has combined her artistic passions with environmental compassion to create quality and sustainable toys. “We’re the change-makers to the children's universe,” says a caring mom. “Today’s toddlers grow up as digital natives. So rather than waiting for the change to happen in the toy industry, we have to create it ourselves.”

Lena Morgun

Lena Morgun

– a talented designer behind every other Child Universe bookshelf, play kitchen set, or clothing rack. It’s due to her imaginative treasures that we can bring the magic of play to life.“Kids themselves are an incredible source of inspiration. Sometimes just sitting next to them on the sofa to watch the cartoons they tune into daily is enough to understand their tastes and passions.”

Starting a new brand is similar to a child learning to walk (and fall!). Given birth to Ariia, Ruslana started juggling the responsibilities of the project and her newborn immediately. Seeing how first uncertain-where-to-step-next Ariia was getting older (and inevitably more confident navigating life!) encouraged Ruslana to be open to change and take advantage of every moment. 

Ta-dah! There it was – our first wooden name puzzle! Made of eco-sound materials, it was to be an ideal gift and décor at the same time. The first customers came in no time. Excited and motivated, we focused on boosting all performance levels, from the production and safety checklist to supplier search and product line upgrade. The new brand, like a kid, began to sustain itself. The team could finally breathe easy while still keeping a close watch as a caring parent.

ChildUniverse Products Through the Years

Take a quick journey through the highlights of the ChildUniverse brand – from the dark and uncertain past to the sound and bright today.

personalized wooden name puzzles for kids

2018 – 2020

childuniverse wooden name puzzle




montessori bedroom for boy

2023 – now

With love,

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