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Best Independent Play Toys for Toddlers

Best Independent Play Toys for Toddlers

Photo by Polesie Toys from Pexels

According to ‘The Importance of Play: Why Children Need to Play’ research by Bodrova and Leong, “play assists children in developing physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and language knowledge and skills.”  Getting your toddler engaged in independent play (without parental or caregiver involvement) is 100% bliss for moms and dads. When you don’t have to deal with non-stop requests to join the game, you (finally!) have time to make awesome homemade lasagna, finish your monthly report, or even enjoy some Facebook scrolling. In a quick guide from Child-Universe below, we’ll talk about reasonable things to expect from your tot based on their age, how to encourage independent play in kids, and the best independent play toys to use along the way.

What to Expect and When?

A girl playing inside her room

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels

Before we share the best independent play toys for toddlers, let’s check out what exactly adults should expect from kids at this or that age.  

  • 6-12 months. Solo play lasts for 5-10 minutes when babies are awake.
  • 12-18 months. They can be busy on their own for 10-15 minutes
  • 18 months – 2 years. 15-20 minutes of playtime without your involvement.
  • 2 – 3 years. They can be occupied for up to 30 minutes.
  • 3+1+ hour of autonomous fun and games.

Note here: Every kiddo is unique, which means the timeframes for playing by themselves can differ.

Best Toys to Encourage Independent Play

Girl sitting on the floor while holding a baby doll

Photo by Polesie Toys from Pexels

The right toys can make interdepend play more educational and entertaining. At ChildUniverse company, we handcraft products that are not only non-toxic and earth friendly, but also helpful when it comes to boosting cognitive abilities, motor skills, and social interactions. 

Here are our special picks to keep your rambunctious pumpkins entertained while playing independently:

  • Puzzles. They’re great if you need to challenge the bambino’s mind to boost concentration and cognitive abilities.
  • Dolls. If you think of how to foster independent play and caretaking, dolls, and similar playthings might help girls and boys develop important life skills.
  • Wooden kitchen sets. There’s no better toy for imitating adults’ routines than kitchen sets! Made of safe and non-toxic materials, they keep little chefs busy for hours. At our СhildUniverse Blog, we have a lot of tips and tricks on how to deal with common parenting challenges, including how to get toddler to play independently – join now!
  • Balance boards. The must-have for balance, coordination, physical development, and strength, ensuring sustainable and secure playtime. 
  • Art supplies. Markers, crayons, stickers, paper, paints, etc., spark creativity and hone fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Plus, they help develop a sense of beauty in kids.
  • Musical instruments. Maracas, xylophones, and tambourines help explore rhythm, sounds, and tunes while honing coordination, sensory development, and concentration.
  • Toy garages. ChildUniverse handcrafted wooden garages provide a safe and enjoyable introduction to the world of transport.
  • Interactive books. How to promote independent play and lay the foundations for love for reading? Interactive books with textures, buttons, and flaps will help!
  • Shape sorters and peg boards. Sorting and matching activities help learn colors, and develop fine motor and problem-solving skills, keeping play both entertaining and educational.
  • Wooden toy cars. As they do “vroom, vroom!” they learn coordination and have fun with siblings in a personal fleet.  
  • LEGO Duplo All-In-One-Box-of-Fun. Timeless classics for kids! It allows for loads of creativity and is 100% versatile. It’s an amazing toy to improve hand-eye coordination and take their imagination to the next level. 
  • Montessori busy boards. Get your fidget engaged in hands-on play! All those buttons, latches, zippers, and gears hook kids like no other and help develop cognitive and motor skills. 
  • Doctor’s kit. Just like in the case of the dolls, doc’s accessories help raise a caring and compassionate kid showing what helping others means.
  • Crawling and climbing sets. Structures like tunnels and climbing sets (both indoor and outdoor) enable children to explore settings independently and hone motor development.
  • Lacing and beading sets. Lacing shapes or threading beads are perfect for fine motor skills, concentration, and hand-eye coordination.
  • Castle tent. Equipped with starry lights, sheer drapes, and other kid-friendly accessories, this tent will impress both your hard-to-impress girl and little prince.

How to Foster Independent Play in Toddlers

Happy family in the bedroom

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

Now that you know some of the best toys for independent play, the question is – how to actually make things happen? We hope our tips below will help.

  • Join them once per day. Sounds weird but it’s true. Before they have fun on their own, join them so that they master all the play skills. They should lead the process with no distractions (people, gadgets, TV, etc.) included.  
  • Have realistic goals for solo activities. Start small and increase the time as the munchkin progresses.
  • Give rewards. Praise and attention are a must when littlies achieve the goals of the autonomous play.
  • Give instructions, if needed. For instance, ask them to build a tower using wooden toys for toddlers while you finish dinner or arrange stuff in an eco-friendly pink dollhouse bookcase while you take a shower. Step by step, ask them to do a more complex job for autonomous playtime.
  • Never interrupt or distract tots when they’re busy with their businesses since it might have a negative impact on their attention.
  • Provide toys designed exclusively for independent play. Simple and open-ended toys that can be used for loads of purposes keep tot’s attention for longer period of time.
  • Remember – encouraging solo activities is OK! No need to feel guilty! Not only will you accomplish all of your tasks on time but you’ll also help kids learn to entertain themselves and solve problems on their own.


Our final tip is – never to be discouraged if the solo play of your kid doesn’t look like another child’s! Every tot is unique and learns to play independently in their unique way. Just make sure to pull your weight – be there for them and show how proud you are.

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